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Scottish Weather Network UK Weather Network

Peebles Weather - NOAA Style Reports

Raw Data, Raw Data Expanded

Daytime temperatures are in direct sunlight so may be higher than official air temperature values.
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2025/01/19 13:20 EGPH 191320Z 16004KT 130V210 9999 BKN029 06/04 Q1015
2.0 0.0 0.3 0.3 0.0 mph 0.0 mph 1014.9 99% X-Ray Solar Flare Level
Planetary K-Index
Planetary K-Index History
Station Warn Rain Snow Flood Wind Ltng Heat Cold Glob Moon Temp Rain 1h Rain Sun Rain 24h Wind 10m Gust Pressure Hum Proton Levels

m Waning Gibbous Cold F0-NNE F: A: Kp:0 SSN:0

NOAA Reports

Report for 2025 Jan
                   Monthly Climatological Summary for Jan 2025

Name: Kittlegairy Road   City: Peebles   State: Scottish Borders
Elevation: 524 ft  Lat: N 55° 38' 27"   Lon: W 003° 10' 15"

                  Temperature (°C), Rain (mm), Wind Speed (mph)

                                      Heat  Cool        Avg
    Mean                              Deg   Deg         Wind                 Dom
Day Temp  High   Time   Low    Time   Days  Days  Rain  Speed High   Time    Dir
 1   2.2   7.5   00:17  -4.1   23:45  16.1   0.0   9.9   2.6  15.2   00:17     W
 2  -3.6  -0.6   13:05  -6.0   07:36  21.9   0.0   0.0   0.5   6.0   22:53   WSW
 3  -1.0   2.2   12:05  -5.0   21:12  19.3   0.0   0.0   1.1  11.4   03:44   WNW
 4  -1.4   1.1   14:02  -3.7   03:49  19.7   0.0   0.0   0.0   2.2   09:41   WNW
 5   0.6   1.9   20:07  -2.0   00:00  17.7   0.0   0.0   1.4   8.3   12:00     N
 6   1.0   1.8   13:22  -1.4   23:57  17.3   0.0   0.0   2.1  13.6   03:49    NW
 7  -0.9   1.3   13:39  -2.9   07:28  19.2   0.0   0.3   1.2   6.9   22:28   WNW
 8  -2.9   0.1   13:26  -5.8   09:29  21.2   0.0   0.0   0.5   6.9   00:13    NW
 9  -4.2  -0.5   13:31  -8.2   08:16  22.5   0.0   0.0   0.3   3.8   04:50   WNW
10  -6.1  -1.7   14:16  -9.5   07:17  24.4   0.0   0.0   0.1   2.2   08:30     W
11  -1.4   1.2   13:58  -6.3   00:00  19.7   0.0   0.0   0.6   4.5   10:48   SSE
12   2.5   8.7   23:57  -2.4   01:58  15.8   0.0   0.0   1.5  13.0   19:57   WSW
13  10.0  11.2   15:27   8.1   01:14   8.3   0.0   0.6   5.1  15.9   01:50   WSW
14   7.6  11.8   01:47   0.7   20:49  10.7   0.0   0.0   2.3  11.4   12:22     W
15   7.5  12.6   11:17   1.1   00:43  10.8   0.0   0.0   2.1  10.7   18:46     W
16   7.5  11.7   11:50   2.1   01:27  10.8   0.0   0.0   2.4  17.4   17:54    NW
17   7.1  10.2   14:06   0.7   22:46  11.2   0.0   0.0   3.7  17.4   00:33     W
18   2.8   7.3   12:06  -2.3   23:28  15.5   0.0   0.0   0.8  10.7   01:51     W
     1.5  12.6    15    -9.5    10   302.1   0.0  10.8   1.6  17.4    16       W

Max >=  27.0:  0
Max <=   0.0:  3
Min <=   0.0: 13
Min <= -18.0:  0
Max Rain: 9.9 on day 1
Days of Rain: 3 (>= 0.2 mm)  1 (>= 2.0 mm)  0 (>= 20.0 mm)
Heat Base: 18.3  Cool Base: 18.3  Method: Integration