Updated14/03/2025 07:40 

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Peebles Weather - Spacecraft and Satellites

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2025/03/14 07:20 EGPH 140720Z VRB01KT 9999 FEW020 BKN026 00/M01 Q1012
1.7°C 0.0 mm 0.0 mm 0.0 mm 0.0 mph 0.0 mph 1011.4 hPa 98% X-Ray Solar Flare Level
Planetary K-Index
Planetary K-Index History
Station Warn Rain Snow Flood Wind Ltng Heat Cold Glob Moon Temp Rain 1h Rain Fri Rain 24h Wind 10m Gust Pressure Hum Proton Levels

m Full moon Cold F0-NW F: A: Kp:0 SSN:0

Spacecraft and Satellites


Earth Satellite Vehicle Passes

International Space Station View Look Angles

ESV Ground Trace
Satellite Ground Trace courtesy: Heavens-Above.com
Bright Satellite List for your location.

Notes about viewing ESVs:
When using lookangles, choose passes with high magnitudes; less than 6.0. ("Looks" are local time.)
Best viewing is when ESV is in Earth's penumbra; on map-solid line during night.
Dotted line on map denotes ESV is dark, in Earth's umbra (shadow).
Objects in orbit have to maintain a speed of at least 17,500mph, therefore ESVs traverse the sky noticeably different than aircraft.
ESVs appearing to blink are either tumbling rocket bodies, or spinning payloads with deployed solar arrays.
High-Eccentricity objects have a more ellongated orbit. Ground trace looks like a backwards C.
Regression-Ground traces will move West with each orbit due to Earth's rotation.

Script courtesy of: Lee from MadALwx. Facts script courtesy of: TNET Weather.

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