Sat 21st December 2024 16:59:41
Peebles Weather - Yesterday's Records
Latitude N 55° 38' 27" Longitude W 03° 10' 15" Elevation 524 ft
2024/12/21 16:20 EGPH 211620Z 26019G30KT 9999 FEW021 06/02 Q0992
4.7 | 0.0 | 3.0 | 3.0 | 5.2 mph | 9.2 mph | 993.9 | 86% | |||||||||||||
Station | Warn | Rain | Snow | Flood | Wind | Ltng | Heat | Cold | Glob | Moon | Temp | Rain 1h | Rain Sat | Rain 24h | Wind | 10m Gust | Pressure | Hum | ||
Waning Gibbous | Cold | F2-W | F: A: Kp:0 SSN: |
This page shows a summary of the data for the 24 hrs up to midnight local time.
Temperature and Humidity |
High Temperature | 8.1 °C | at 11:56 |
Low Temperature | 2.1 °C | at 00:30 |
High Apparent Temperature | 6.4 °C | at 11:32 |
Low Apparent Temperature | -0.2 °C | at 00:13 |
Low Wind Chill | 2.1 °C | at 00:30 |
High Heat Index | 8.1 °C | at 11:56 |
High Humidity | 97 % | at 13:29 |
Low Humidity | 86 % | at 04:04 |
Hours of Sunshine | 0.0 | |
Rainfall |
Rainfall Yesterday | 2.1 mm | |
Rainfall Rate Max | 3.6 mm/hr | at 12:53 |
High Hourly Rainfall | 1.2 mm | at 13:25 |
Wind |
Highest Gust | 15.2 mph | at 10:26 |
Highest Speed (10 minute average) | 8.5 mph (F3) | at 10:29 |
Wind Run | 86.3 miles | |
Pressure |
High Pressure (SL) | 1014.9 hPa | at 00:00 |
Low Pressure (SL) | 1004.0 hPa | at 13:37 |
Page updated | |
© Sandaysoft 2008 | |
Cumulus software v by Steve Loft |
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